My LoVeLy LiFe

My LoVeLy LiFe

my son and daughter

Nice my son and daughter dah moving grow up aqil with 2 years and little sister 1 years. Now each other not feeling well got fever, flu and cought.. dah 2 panel aku pergi ambik ubat.. harap2 lepas nie beransur baik.

Perangai pun semakin banyak akal.. maklumlah dah besar sikit.. tapi my mom said dorang nie masih lagi baby so still kena layanan first class lagi cam dalam pantang tu. huhuhuhuhu... biler pikir balik.. yes..2 baru tersedar.. terasa macam dah buat kesilapan besar dah.. lepas nie aku kena back to be pation.. hmmmmmmm.. ok my love.. love u forever.. muaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... from mummy :)) 

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