My LoVeLy LiFe

My LoVeLy LiFe

Nak Anak Pandai English

Nak Anak Pandai English 1

Rata-rata banyak parents nak anak pandai English. Pandai cakap English, pandai baca English, pandai tulis English. Ok saya nak share how you can help without spending thousands of ringgit(kalau hantar tuition dari Tahun 1 hingga Tingkatan 5).

Mama dan/atau Papa must use English most of the time at home. Sebaik-baik use good English. According to research, Reading Accuracy& Fluency are enhanced if the word you are decoding(reading) already exist in the memory. So kena store English words in your kid's brain.

Aduyai macam mana kalau English mama and papa macam Phua Chu Kang? (Tu la dulu teacher suruh baca buku English malas...). You have to begin with yourself.

Mama Papa boleh:
1. Ikut Kursus Intensif Readeasy. Kita akan praktis sebut bunyi-bunyi(speech sounds) Bahasa Inggeris. Kita akan juga praktis pronounce English words. Balik praktis sebut outloud. Use Readeasy Phonics series to help list words that have the same sound .
A. List wordsFor example: cat, mat, bat, fat, sat, hat, rat, man, dad.
Bit, sit, hit, lip, kiss, bin, pin, fit.
Read, seat, beat, been, seek, easy.
(You can add more to your list as you learn more words)

B. Read aloud the words you have listed.

C. Record yourself reading the words. Semua ada smartphone kan. Then listen or get somebody to listen to you.

2. With this basic skill, mama and papa boleh balik praktis read aloud buku cerita English kat
anak-anak(Vocabulary & sentence structure enhancement). Bukan susah sangat kan baca buku kana-kanak? Bila dah confident boleh pula baca magazines dan buku-buku cerita.

3. Praktis juga speaking English. Kalau kekok, tulis skrip - sebagai contoh apa nak cakap bila kejut anak waktu pagi.
Assalamualaikum Along. Good morning, sayang. Time to get up for solat subuh. Try to open your eyes.... Good boy. Alhamdulillah (etc etc).
Tampal skrip di dinding sebelah katil anak.

Buat macam-macam skrip untuk ditampal di dinding meja makan, di ruang tamu, di sink dapur, di pintu toilet, di dalam toilet, di pintu masuk rumah. Macam-macam boleh. These scripts will help you use English at home. And InsyaAllah after 2 months you can take the scripts down. Dah berasap cakap English!( Hope bukan asap hitam.)

To be continued...

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